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I spent hundreds on my daughter's birthday party and no one came

2024-06-03 20:16:47 [sport] Source:Earth Edges news portal

A mother who splurged $400 on her child's birthday party was left furious after none of the invited guests showed up - including her own father and brother. 

Anber, from Las Vegas, had paid for catering, snacks, a bouncing castle and  decorations for her daughter's birthday party at their home in April after inviting a number of friends and family members. 

The mother-of-five took to TikTok to slam the guests for 'not bothering' to make an appearance, let alone call or message to notify the family of their non attendance.   

Anber uploaded a video to her account @anberx5 showing her decorated yet deserted back garden on the day of the party, along with the food and games on display for the children to enjoy.

Captioning the footage with, 'Literally cried… spent over $400,' the mother added an overlay text that read, 'POV, when nobody shows up to your daughter's birthday party.'

A mother who splurged $400 on her child's birthday party was left furious after none of the invited guests showed up - including her father and brother

A mother who splurged $400 on her child's birthday party was left furious after none of the invited guests showed up - including her father and brother

In the first part of the 13-second clip, Anber's young son was seen wiping away tears as he sat on a bench in the garden. 

She later clarified it was because he was 'hurt' that no-one turned up to celebrate his little sister's birthday. 

Anber then panned the camera to show a colorful bouncy castle complete with a slide, a ball pit, pink and yellow balloons tied to furniture and a banner featuring Yo Gabba Gabba cartoon characters. 

She then showcased the food she intended on providing the guests, including an entire table lined with snacks such as Doritos, Cheetos and Ruffles chips, as well as a platter of deli meats and cheeses.

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In the kitchen, several trays of catered food the mother had pre-ordered were left to heat in the stove, while trays of chopped pineapple, watermelon, mango and apple sat idly alongside plates of Mexican garnishing, such as lime, onion and coriander. 

In a follow-up video, the mother clarified some of the finer details behind her daughter's disappointing experience of no-one making an appearance at her party. 

She claimed that she expected guests to start showing up at the birthday party from 2pm, and had even made sure to confirm with them at 10am that they were coming.

The 'majority' of the guests were family members, as well as a 'couple' of friends who had planned to bring along their own children. However, by 5pm, no-one had 'bothered' to show up or make contact to notify the family they were not coming. 

Anber added that she attempted to call and message the absent guests throughout the day, but she was ignored, and she's since decided to cease contact with them. 

In the first part of the clip, Anber's young son can be seen wiping tears as he sits on a bench in the garden, which the mother later clarified as him 'being hurt' that no-one turned up

In the first part of the clip, Anber's young son can be seen wiping tears as he sits on a bench in the garden, which the mother later clarified as him 'being hurt' that no-one turned up

Over 8000 people offered their sympathy in the comments, with some sharing their own experiences of no-shows at their children's parties

Over 8000 people offered their sympathy in the comments, with some sharing their own experiences of no-shows at their children's parties

According to Anber, the family were inundated with text messages and phone calls from the absent guests the following morning, but she vows she will 'never have a party again - it's not gonna happen.' 

Over 8000 people offered their sympathy in the comments, with some sharing their own experiences of no-shows at their children's parties.

One person wrote, 'This happened to mine. Never invited anyone again. And we go somewhere fun now,' while another said, 'No one showed up to my daughter's 9th birthday party. We stayed up all night decorating. My heart is still so broken.' 

One parent even offered a solution to avoid future party letdowns by suggesting a 'Yes Day,' writing: 'Instead of a party we do a Yes Day on their birthday. They pick where we get to eat and where we go for the day. We've done water parks, zoo, etc.'

Last year, David Chen, from Vancouver, was left heartbroken when only one child showed up to his autistic son's sixth birthday party after planning a fun day at a huge indoor playground for 19 children from his class at school.

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